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Thanks for sharing!


I've done energy work since I was in middle school...

Probably before that to be honest but just didn't know what it was…

Everything I do is based in energy and how it feels, in doing this work I have such a connection, awareness and understanding of my body's needs, wants and desires...

An appreciation for the ugly dark soul crushing feelings that leave you on the floor...


Of my completeness and how it's effected by everything...

I'm very careful who I share it with because it's truly a gift and that's why my circle is so small it's a dot...

When I find my people for this kind of work it's instant and it's deep in a way I don't have words for...

Because I can trust and surrender I'm able to let them in on a cellular level there's a connection that doesn't need words...

I'm sharing this because I've been working with Kylie D Fae and to say it's extraordinary is an insult to her abilities so to honor her I share this with you...

For the messy, the deep, the healers and the witches, maybe you...

This woman is...

And my gratitude for this work and this walk will live with me and oooze from me for eternity...

- S.E.


If you choose to work with Kylie and you are committed to integrating on your end, the sky is the limit to how much self-love and compassion will become a permanent part of how you converse with yourself. Highly recommend Kylie and will definitely work with her again! She really helped me shift from a stuck and annoyed with myself place and got me to the tenderness that helped me breathe.

- O.G.


I've had the honor of working with Kylie on several occasions. Mostly through group & healing sessions that were really returning to center in the most powerfully loving way. There was a moment where I quite literally felt the reconnection happen, this vision of fibers and cells mending back together right in my heart center. My senses have been incredibly heighted since then, my energetic capacity has tripled while I've become more me. It's hard to explain but the best way I can put it is: it's this 'BOOM! Here's your power, here's where you forgot you and here's her returning to you so you can expand.' I'm no longer afraid to take up space, to be different, to be me and most importantly, to be a badass, powerful woman. So thank you, Kylie, for sharing your gifts.

- E. R.


Kylie is a uniquely clear healer who understands that holding space for women requires more than a light fluffy state of being. She welcomes all aspects of your being from the most tender, nervous defeated parts who are just so sure they won't be seen, to the fiercest most determined warrior screams that are begging to be released. A deep well of love and lived experience are the foundation of the work, so the body can feel the authenticity of what's being brought forward and knows its safe to relax. When I feel called to work with Kylie, I know that something is ready to move, and I know that with her guidance and space holding I'll understand if it needs to be integrated into the deepest parts of my soul, or flung out into the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Whether you need something removed and gone for good, or cherished and welcomed back home to your heart, Kylie offers the nurturing potent space to find your own sweetest medicine.

- P. O.


A lot of healers out there do not give you the tools and knowledge to empower you but with Kylie she shares her knowledge and wisdom and tools, giving you the confidence to stand in your own power and take control of your life in the most blissful and delicious ways. Kylie takes you back home to yourself. It is one of the most rewarding, hard-working, soul-searching, magical journey.

- B. B.


Thank you Kylie! By the way, my orgasms have been shit for about a year. After the womb clearing you did foe me? BAM!!! 💥Back in business baby!! Thank yooouuuuu!!! Seriously I almost cried. There would be the build up… then some weird sensation, then nothing. For MONTHS! I talked to my hormone doctor about it. No resolution. My husband thought I didn’t love him anymore. I just could. not. Get. There. I thought maybe it was my age (52) Then you offered your clearing at such a fabulous price point I thought, what the hell. I did everything you said to do afterwards. And The next day OMGEEEE!! I had forgotten how fanfuckingtastic sex could be! So seriously thank you! 🙏🏻That’s the whole story. I wasn’t sure you’d read the first one so I made it brief lol. You can take any part of this and repost. If it helps someone else it was worth sharing!

— T.H.



OMG! RECEIVE WAS EPIC!! THANK YOU!! This journey opened Pandora’s box me. It was raw, powerful and magic. Kylie, you took us on such a juicy ride and broke down walls I didn’t even know existed, but was so right for where I am in my journey, such an intimate and sensual experience for me, completely surrendering and letting the energy flow through me. The whole experience right down to the music was delicious, and my whole body was on fire, orgasmic and alive. I had such a massive healing breakthrough. It was such a beautiful journey that had me on my knees and crying at the same time, releasing the Massive money blocks and the fears that had been associated with it. Thank you, Kylie for liberating and sharing a kiss and magic in a way that we can authentically add our own magic into the mix and make it our own unique blueprint.

— B.B.


Kylies magick activated my life in all the best ways. I didn’t know the specific reason why but I was feeling pulled toward her by the universe. I was currently working on healing myself in very practical ways like detoxes, meditations, and retreats. When one evening Kylie mentions she can do a past life healing. I’ve always felt like there was a few things a past life reading could help me understand. But I had zero idea how much a past life healing from Kylie would change my entire life for the better. I learned reasons for certain behaviors I had. I also knew she felt what I was feeling in my body during the healing session. It was amazing how spot on and accurate she was with everything she said to me. When I left the session, I felt lighter and at ease. Over the next few months after I watched almost as a third person as my body and spirit transformed into its most healthy and happy version of itself. I feel so much more aligned in my life and my purpose. My chronic pain has gone into remission. I can’t thank her enough for the best healing session I have ever had!

- Stephanie R.


Every time I’ve received healing work from Kylie, whether 1:1 or in a group, I have experienced physical, emotional, and energetic shifts in real time. Her ability to see what is there and requiring release or removal is a beautiful gift. She works efficiently and effectively, and her soft, sweet energy and voice surprised me, ushering in an immediate sense of peace and protection in the space. I trust and appreciate her guidance because ultimately it’s always directing me back home to myself. I look forward to the next opportunity I’ll have to work with her.



I was drawn to Kylie immediately; and for good reason. Shortly after connecting, I felt called to work with her. I’m a very spiritually reserved individual due to psychological trauma, and seeking healing felt like a nightmare. How do you unpack all of it to a stranger and not feel crazy? Kylie was very accepting and understanding, during our session I opened up but I couldn’t help but be vague, having attempted to tell my story too many times I was just tired of reliving the details of it all. The protection she laid out before we even got started was warm and tangibly safe. I felt my spirit relax. She worked her way through my mangled web and called out secrets I hadn’t shared, broke open walls I didn’t know were there, and reconnected me to my child selves, I was speechless, and in a full yawning fit as the cleansing continued. My right ear had some internal damage, which I’ve gone to an audiologist and was told it was a neurological issue. She spotted it and removed the implanted block, I shit you not, hearing was immediately restored right then and there. Without having to explain to much, there was a spiritual attack in my past that also left a numbness in my shoulder, she also spotted and removed that, and to my surprise, the tingling dissipated. It was so much more than I was expecting, and beyond validating to have the things that made me feel crazy be seen and healed. Kylies energy clearings are no joke. This woman has some powerful forces surging through her and I’m so eternally grateful. After my session I had questions come up, and old patterns of fear and anxiety attempt to return, she was kind and quick to respond each time. She cleared my space, and now it feels like it’s mine again, I couldn’t have asked for more.



Kylie D Fae's presence alone speaks volumes. Her work is grounded, powerful, and life changing. Her workshop protecting children through St Hildegard is unequivocally worth every penny. If you feel called to work with her, pick up your phone and register for whatever course is calling to you. I guarantee there is a reason you are drawn to her work, and you will benefit richly if you answer the call.



I worked with Kylie for the first time more than a year ago. It started me on a journey that I could only have dreamt of before. Kylies guidance has constantly brought me back to myself and my own power and I am so thankful for her and her experiences and her drive to help other magical people. If you feel the call, I recommend working with Kylie 111%.



I’ve always been a healer but had zero confidence in my abilities. Kylie helped clear many layers of trauma (that I haven’t been able to heal with years of traditional therapy) and activated Universal Mother Love within me. Having grown up with an emotionally unavailable mother, this continues to be the biggest gift for me as I am now able to access that potent love at all times. First year of covid I drank every day to cope. Since working with Kylie I have started my own healing practice and my dependence on booze is gone (I still enjoy drinking occasionally but I’m able to cope with the current ongoing shit show without the use of that particular multigenerational crutch). I have worked with many healers in my life. Kylie is the real deal and I’m so grateful for her fierceness and her powerful gifts. M.M.

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